Bowing Walls
Bowing, leaning, or bulging in external walls are a result of decreasing wall stability, these defects are often a symptom of:
Prolonged vibrations
Freeze/Thaw cycles of moisture infiltration
An increase in the floor loads (for example where additional floors have been added to an existing building)
The original walls were built insufficiently in comparison to the building's height
A lack of restraint between the external walls and the floor joists, beams, and partitions

How to Identify Bowed Structural Exterior Walls
You will often be able to identify a bowed, leaning, or bulging wall through visual examination or with the assistance of a plumb bob or laser level. Cracks may be evident by gaps at the intersection of internal walls and floors with the external wall. It is important to note, however, that a bowed wall without a crack will still require the same consideration as it is a dangerous fault.
How to Identify Bowed Foundation Walls
Horizontal cracks on the inside near the height of the outside ground level or stair-step cracking near the corners
Diagonal cracking at corners of poured concrete foundation walls
Inward bowing or bulging along the walls
Walls sliding inwards on the bottom
Walls leaning in at the top
Wet, clay soils around the home coupled with damaged walls
Expansive clay soils present around the structure
Able Basement and Structural Solutions has experienced staff that is well versed in a variety of techniques to address and rectify bowed exterior walls and bowed foundation walls. We are also proud to be the only Masterjack certified representative in central Ohio unlocking the capability to reset block, brick, and stone walls back to plumb. Often without the costly expense of excavation or the expense of rebuilding the walls.